Sound Design Inspiration #14


I came across this diagram on Twitter a few days ago and I’m getting a little obsessed with where the sound of my voice is coming from, try it out yourself…



I’ve been starting to catch up on Rick Beato’s Youtube channel recently and came across this gem. I have no real desire to create a songwriter demo, but there is so much useful info ripe to pick from this video, just like all his other videos


A friend recently put me on to BBC sounds late junction from BBC Radio 3, which is absolutely bursting with interesting music from far and wide. I’m finding it’s expanding my listening into completely different places. I’ll be honest, theres the occasional stinker I can’t stand, but even then, hearing the music of so many cultures and artists is always interesting.


I’ve been a Randy Thom fan for a while now and he’s started to blog about his thoughts on ‘Ways to Give Sound a Chance’ which he is able to explain in such a seemingly simple and precise way, that also seem to give me inspiration for the theatre too, taking the idea of a close up and concentrating focus on one particular part of the stage, whilst sound can lead the story of what is outside of that focus point for example. Check it out here…