Scriptation is an app built for those who go through “Script Change Hell” in the tv and film industry. You make all your notes on your script, only to find out 3 pages have changed, which has altered the numbering system for all your other pages, you loose a page… you loose your notes etc… this handy video explains more…
Jokes aside, I’ve been trying it out for Theatre scripts over the last few years. I’ve found it useful for pre-rehearsals jotting down notes and music thoughts and rehearsals continuing that, it helps not having paper copies of all the scripts we get through in rehearsals, but it’s much slower a process than a good old pen and paper…. so haven’t extensivly used it for tech. I think the next step is to try it out with an ipad & apple Pencil or something similar.
I like to build QLAB files at the start of a process too, (depending on the process). I’ll build a map of empty groups based on obvious script cues (though they will always change), with notes in their name about what they need to be filled with, or where they might get cued, it helps me have a structure to the show that can be moved around as we go.
So the cool thing with Scriptation is that you can make a .pdf out of the notes you’ve made on your script. I’m thinking up a quick way of automating a process of taking notes I’ve made in scriptation to build empty cues in QLAB. It would be useful to hit a button and make the qlab map… will post any findings as I go through the process…